Social security registration
Bilateral social security treaties. Certain countries have bilateral treaties with France which allow an employee on assignment to continue to make social security contributions in his home country and exonerate him and the French host company from French social security contributions for a determined period of time. Generally private insurance must be obtained for the assignee and his family during their stay in France (only a few of these countries, primarily the European countries, allow for reciprocal medical coverage in France).
For nationals of countries without a bilateral social security treaty, French social security contributions (employer and employee) must be made in France (even if the employee is being paid by his employer outside of France). If the employee is being paid in France, social security contributions are made through the normal channel (the URSSAF – the French collecting agency). If the employee is being paid by a foreign employer, social security contributions on his entire remuneration must be made to a special branch of the URSSAF.
After 60 hours of contributing to the French social security system, workers and their beneficiaries residing habitually with them are covered by French social security. However they cannot claim reimbursement for their medical expenses until the worker and his family are registered with the French medical coverage organisation – the Caisse Primaire d’Assurance Maladie – the CPAM. Registering with the CPAM has become a complex procedure and can take several months.